After hearing all the chatter about the Paris Climate Talks yesterday I was feeling a little down about our near term ability to combat climate change. We are just talking about trying to reduce the rising of emissions not reduce emissions all together. Commerce, industry, and simply one person's survival are driving emission levels higher and higher all over the world. Experts understand that it's not just about setting emission number goals and standards, it's about changing the way we live. And we would have to change a lot just to stop the world's emission levels from rising. Oh yeah, in case you were wondering I am feeling a little more optimistic today. Why? Because the same guy who created the operating system for the computer I'm using right now is in this fight, and he's working diligently to bring other investors on board as well with the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.
Mr. Bill Gates is funding and encouraging the funding for efforts to find alternative forms of energy. He believes the energy sectors complacency to develop alternative energy make it open to disturbance and change. In addition, Mr. Gates spent his day yesterday at the Paris Climate Talks trying to influence leaders of nations to create their own environmental R&D units. He believes we could find viable alternative energy sources with in the next ten to twenty years. I believe the more brains working on all aspects of our environmental problems the better our planet's chances (don't forget building materials). Thanks for reading!