Monday, January 12, 2015

Strawboard an Eco-Friendly Marvel

Strawboard is an eco friendly building material comprised mostly of straw, a by product of the grain industry.   The straw is combined with formaldehyde free adhesives or natural resins and heat compressed to make an extremely durable surface that is highly eco-friendly.   Manufacturers like Ronbow and Novofibre are manufacturing strawboard and using it to create eco friendly cabinetry, countertops, building materials, and other interior design products.

Strawboard has emerged over the last few years as an excellent alternative to wood materials,    Due to the density and strength, strawboard building materials  and strawboard cabinetry are  ideally sturdy and water resistant.   Strawboard's strength allows for screws and it holds up to warping and cracking.  The material is also extremely moisture resistant and naturally resists mold and termites.  Since it's made from quickly renewed sources that are actually a by product or recycled,  it's eco-friendly score is off the charts.

For more information on Strawboard please visit

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